The Serene Beauty Of A Koi Pond & The Upkeep It Requires

Picture this: I’m sitting by our stunning Koi pond, the perfect spot to find inspiration for this week’s blog. I felt it was only fitting to write this sitting by it. Believe me when I say that friends and family agree wholeheartedly – it’s one of the best additions we’ve made to our humble abode. Now, let me take you back a few years when I had an epiphany about water features.

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Now, let me take you back a few years when I had an epiphany about water features. It all started with a visit to my in-laws place. They had an awe-inspiring water feature; cascading water flowing gracefully under a charming walk over bridge and into a pond adorned with water lilies, Koi, goldfish, and an assortment of mysterious plants. It was one of the most peaceful spaces!

So you know it was the craziest thing?! When we went home, there it was, an empty space adjacent to our cozy sitting circle near the patio. What did we do, you ask? We did what any normal person would do- we installed a Koi pond, of course! Who could resist the allure of a soothing waterfall serenading us on a beautiful evening, accompanied by a glass of wine? We all need a moment to unwind after a hard day, and the sound of cascading water does wonders for the soul. Let’s be honest, we all enjoy our own version of a relaxing drink, whether it’s wine or a fancy concoction. Tomato, tamato, right?

And so our journey began…

Having already chosen the perfect spot for our pond, my hubby was raring to go. I stepped outside only to find him having already dug the hole and laid the liner. We opted for a basic liner, readily available at your friendly neighborhood home improvement store. Sure, there are inserts you could use, but we had big plans for our Koi pond, so the liner was the way to go. To construct the waterfall, we cleverly repurposed some Field Stone we had from dismantling a flower bed a few years ago.

Back in 2015, when we first finished it, I must admit there wasn’t much going on, but we loved how it looked!

field stone laid out around a koi pond with a waterfall at one end
Just the beginning

We added a few water plants and then, life happened… and well, we neglected our pond.

Every time we passed by, it felt like those plants were silently judging us (if plants could judge, that is). So, carrying our shame, we finally decided to give it the attention it deserved and bring our vision to life. After 8 hours of draining, scrubbing down the liner, separating the overgrowth of the plants, and repositioning everything we had it done. So, after all, this is a blog, and you want pics, right?

Suffice it to say, we made a trip to our favorite nursery, Urbanearth (seriously, you need to check them out!), and besides parting with some unwanted plants, we returned with our vibrant new Koi fish and Goldfish. With the addition of the fish, we installed a 19 in sand filter and a 3/4 HP pool pump, which miraculously restored the functionality of our little spitting gnome (who had sadly transitioned from spitting to drooling).

And now, the moment we had been waiting for: with water plants delicately placed, potted plants arranged around the pond, and a lovely bed of hostas along the back, we hopefully welcomed our newly acquired aquatic friends to their luxurious abode. It finally looked exactly how we had envisioned it, and yes, my trusty spitting gnome is back in action, though my hubs claims it’s a bit too enthusiastic at times. Here’s a snapshot of our masterpiece:

koi pond with a waterfall, water plants, and koi fish swimming around

And that, my friends, is the tale of our completed project- If you’re yearning for a touch of serenity in your life, trust me, a Koi pond will do the trick. It’s like having your own private retreat.

So, as I close out this post you will find me in the glow of the fire from our fire pit with the symphony of chirping crickets and croaking bullfrogs, harmonizing with the soothing melody of our cascading waterfall as night falls. With the enchanting flickering of fireflies in the distance I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. It’s pure magic!

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